Week of May 3rd

Last week was awesome!! I'm hoping we can keep the rain so that we can go outside and get some sun. This week, we are coming up on interim time (5/7). Please make sure to check with your child about any missing work. I am still putting late assignments into the gradebook, but please let me know if you have any questions.

We just finished our unit on fractions, poetry, and figurative language. We will continue to review as we go through the rest of the quarter. This week, we are working on text structures, telling time (Chapter 12), and finishing our unit on Africa. We will be going into science weathering, erosion, and deposition next. Please remember the agenda is attached and the best place to make references to study is your child's notebooks.

We are almost at the end of the year. June 11th will be the last day. We will have our SC Ready test on May 18-20 and Gator Games (which will look a little different this year) on June 1st. We're rolling the days in quick now!!! WE GOT THIS!!!

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