Week of March 22nd

 Well, we made it through another week!! We have a few more to go and Spring Break will be here before we realize it. We began the week with finishing up our book clubs and are finishing the week with our "College Day". You will see pics from both below. We were out Thursday and I'm glad the district thought of our safety first. Another good thing was we do not have to make up a day for being out, thanks to the virtual world.

This week, we will have 2 asynchronous days, in which the students will stay home but log on to our Google Classroom and go through the Pathway to complete assignments. The 2 days are this Thursday and Friday, March 25th and March 26th. No new learning will occur on those days, but students will still be responsible for completing and turning in assignments to be graded. Students will log on at 9 and will be working virtually from home on both days on material that we have already covered. My office hours both days will be from 9-11 AM in case there are questions about the assignments or you need to meet with me (virtually). I will still answer emails throughout the day as well.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!


Mrs. Rojas


Community News

Dine for a Cause

Mark your calendars Gator families! Take a night off from cooking while supporting the LCE PTO! On Wednesday, March 24th from 5PM - 9PM, you can dine-in or carryout at MJ's Grill in the Lake Carolina Town Center (5 Lake Carolina Way, Suite 160) and support the LCE PTO while eating something delicious for dinner from a local, family owned business!


PTO’s Lucky Gator Basket Winner

๐Ÿ€ Congratulations to Jenni Lane and family on winning the PTO’s Lucky Gator basket! ๐Ÿ€ 

Thank you to everyone who entered the contest and for supporting our school through programs with our Corporate Partners!


Spring Break Camps


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