Week of March 8th

Time's winding down really quick for us this year!! We are now going into the second week of March. I have really enjoyed watching the kids in their book clubs. They have worked hard, are collaborating with each other, and getting prepared for their next book club. Below are some pictures from our book club and some of the posters the kids made to represent their book club.

I want to congratulate Ethan and Michael for their Reading Counts points and awards. I would love for everyone to strive to receive these prizes but I do not force the kids to test. I know we are all  reading and working hard. Look below for the awesome pictures of  Ethan and Michael with Mrs. Medlock and Mrs. Bush. Congratulations guys!!

This week, we will continue studying author's purpose in reading, text dependent analysis writing, fractions in math, and culture in social studies. The vocabulary they have for fractions will be tested on this coming Friday. Quick checks and assessments have been denoted on the agenda. They will be graded on multiplication facts test and those are denoted as well. Last but not least, please make sure they continue to read at least 20 minutes daily (that includes 20 minutes each for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday). Thank you for being so supportive!!


Community News


 District issued Chromebooks should be powered off for updates and cleaned often. Chromebooks can be cleaned in the following way:

  • Shut down the Chromebook:
    • Power off the device by clicking on Shut Down on the bottom left. The screen will go black once it has shut down.
  • Approved cleaners for plastic surfaces:
    • Lightly spray a paper towel or rag with Lysol antibacterial spray and wipe the plastic surfaces only (keyboard, lid and back).
    • Antibacterial wipes can be used if all excess liquid has been squeezed out before wiping the plastic surfaces.
  • Screen Care:
    • Screens are fragile and can be easily damaged, do not put pressure on the screen-lightly rub the surface.
    • Use only a screen wipe to clean the screens.
  • Never spray anything directly on the device or use a saturated rag or towel.
  • The Chromebooks are on loan for the school year and are not a student's personal device.
  • Students should not be adding decorations to their devices. No stickers, drawing, markers, etc. should be on the device. 
  • Chromebooks should be shut down often so that they can update. Signing out and/or closing the lid does not update the device.
  • Do not add apps or extensions without being asked by your teacher.

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