Week of March 1st

 Well, another week down in the books. Woohoo!! We got this!  We worked really hard this week, raised money for American Heart Association, and ended Black History Month (check out our awesome Black History poster and everyone had a hand in coloring a piece of it, some more than others).

This month we will focus on Women's History Month, making the women from "Hidden Figures" part of our study. We reached our halfway point for the 3rd nine weeks. This is around the time 3rd grade starts becoming harder so please make sure your child is reading 20 minutes daily and completing any math homework. We discussed our winter MAP scores, spring MAP goals, and our what we needed to do in order to reach our goals. We have been discussing it more, because we have  MAP testing coming up very soon. Please discuss these goals at home with your child as well, so they can tell you what they need to do to reach those goals. 

Also, yes, we will have a yearbook this year, Yearbooks are available for pre-purchase for a limited time. The cost is $35.00 and can be paid on your Parent Portal account.

Thank you again for your support!! I look forward to seeing everyone bright and early ready to learn!!


Community News

AHA Hat Day

Thank you for supporting our Service Learning Project. Our school teams have raised over $2000 from donations and have over 50 team members on our team rosters!

See some of our pictures from our Hat Day to support the American Heart Association. 

Thanks for participating in this Service Learning Project!

Read Across America Week at Upper Campus



Book Fair Challenge Winning School

We would like to thank everyone for supporting our Scholastic Book Fair! Although our fair was virtual, we hope that students were able to select some of their favorite titles. We would also like to thank our parents who donated books to their child's classroom. Now, let's roll that beautiful Book Fair Challenge footage....

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