Week of January 11th

 Good morning,

As of right now, this is our last week of e-learning. Please refer to the agenda posted below for what's happening this week in our class. Hopefully, we are all still warm, healthy, and dry. Remember, next week we are out on Monday, January 18th, in observance of Martin Luther King day. 

Please make sure before we come back to class that your little hero has their own set of headphones. We complete many activities that require sound and listening aloud can be distracting to other students (especially if I'm working with small groups). 

Also, please make sure that are assignments for the week are completed no later than Sunday night by 10 PM. If they are not completed, I will be putting a 50 in place of the grade. I have students who have work missing from last month still. All of this needs to be caught up by this Friday, January 15th. I have been very lenient with turning in work but at this point we have to be a little more diligent and responsible with getting work turned in. I will be sharing the list with you, no later than tomorrow (Tuesday), if your child is missing something from previous weeks. So, previous weeks' work is due by the 15th and this week, I will not accept any late work after Sunday, the 17th.  The end of the 9 weeks is January 26th and I do not want grades to drop because of missing work. 

I hope you had a great weekend and I'm looking forward to an exciting week full of awesome learning this week!!

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